1,500,000 won (three people)
1. Documents to be submitted
2. Scholarship amount: KRW 1,500,000
3. Beneficiaries: 3
Skian scholarship
나. Lee Chang-nam Scholarship 1,000,000 (1 person)
다. Kim Un-yeong Scholarship 1,000,000 (1 person)
라. Skian Scholarship 1,000,000 (1 person)
1. Documents to be submitted
2. Scholarship amount: KRW 1,000,000
3. Beneficiaries: 2
Application form
Consent form for the use of personal information
1. Documents to be submitted
1) International Student Mentoring-Mentor application Form
① Describe in detail the motivation for applying for mentoring, foreign language skills, related experience, mentoring activity plan (learning support, external activities) in the self-introduction letter and motivation for application
2) The consent form for the use of personal information
Application form
Consent form for the use of personal information
2. Scholarship amount: KRW 1,000,000 (on completion of mentoring meetings and designated assignments)
1) Mentoring meetings are held at least 12 times (at least 2 hours each). However, activity meetings for more than 4 hours are recognized as being conducted twice. If it is not carried out more than 12 times in total, 500,000 won will be reduced.
2) If the five designated tasks are not completed, a reduction of 100,000 won per relevant task will be paid.
① Attend mentor training program (Chinese, Chinese culture, etc.)
② Conduct outside mentoring activities at least once (watching performances, exhibitions, and sports events, park picnics, bicycle outings, hiking, visiting institutions, etc.)
③ Conduct at least one joint mentoring meeting with other groups
④ At the last meeting, a mentee writes a handwritten letter in Korean to a mentor
⑤ All participating members (mentors, mentees) faithfully prepare the interim and final evaluation questionnaires and submit them within the deadline
3) An additional scholarship of 200,000 won shall be paid when selected as the best mentor, and the following matters shall be reflected as the criteria for selection
① If you have a lot of mentees
② Many mentoring meetings are held on a regular basis, and mentee attendance is high
③ If the mentees actively recommend it
④ Mentees’ Korean proficiency is improved and mentoring group satisfaction is high
⑤ If various activities are carried out by reflecting the opinions of the mentees
3. Other matters
1) Awarding a completion certificate for the Mentor Program
2) Additional points are given when applying for programs organized by international affairs, such as overseas exchange students
4. Number of selections: 14