Consumer is divided into households, productionist, manufacturers, companies, and industrial balance the balance of the market, and industrial balance.
How major macroeconomic variables such as national production, total consumption, prices, wages, unemployment, inflation, economic growth, and balance of payments are determined, what interrelationships they have, and how they can be adjusted by fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate policies are divided into each school.
In general, we discuss single-variable and multivariate regression analysis using the Ordinary Least Squares method and the two-stage least-squares method, and various theories and theorems regarding multicollinearity, variables, and variable errors.
※ Microeconomics I and macroeconomics I are common required courses for master’s programs.
General subject
Statistical Analysis for Economics
This course provides theoretical and empirical tools to apply economic theories and models to real economic data. Using statistical means, answer the “how much” type of questions. Thus, you can check whether economic theory or model fits in reality. This course will enable a firm understanding of important concepts and theories for statistical analysis of economic data. In addition, statistical means to conduct independent research using economic data will be available.
Applied Econometrics
Based on what has been discussed in econometrics, nonlinear estimation and identification, iterative estimation and pseudo analysis, Monte Carlo method, and small sample estimation are discussed.
Mathematical Economics
It is intended to understand how to use the axioms and definitions of mathematics in the analysis and description of economic theory. Its main contents include linear algebra, calculus, optimization theory, and topology.
Economic Planning
A theory of linear planning, analysis, analysis methods, analysis methods, analysis methods, analysis methods, analysis methods and special problems.
Seminar in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics
Based on what you have learned in mathematical economics and econometric economics, Topic is selected and the expansion of theory and special techniques to analyze it are studied.
Industrial Organization
The theory of industrial adjustment policies and analysis methods for industrial adjustment policies, independent competition, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, monopoly, and analysis methods.
Public Finance
It deals with how to deal with market failures caused by economic activity and how quantification and other theories are applied to analyze and evaluate the government’s economic policy and establish optimal policies.
General Equilibrium Analysis
The theory and theorem on Pareto optimality are considered, and the system, implications, and limitations of various empirical models used in general equilibrium analysis are discussed.
Industrial Economics
The individual special problems of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries are discussed in relation to the advancement of the overall industrial structure of the national economy.
Seminar in Economics
Based on what you have learned in microeconomics and macroeconomics, it deals with advanced and special theories and application problems in economics.
Economic Growth
The main theoretical and empirical discussions related to economic growth are summarized, and a methodology for empirical analysis is presented based on macroeconomic data. Through this, the understanding of the determinants of long-term income level, the sources of continuous economic growth, and the convergence of income between countries is enhanced.
Theory of Economic Development
Focusing on development theory and reality analysis, the contents of major papers on development theory and economic development are summarized and introduced, and reality analysis introduces and discusses immediate policy tasks related to economic development.
Business Cycle
The techniques of dynamic analysis, such as differential equations and dynamic optimization theory, are applied to modeling and analysis of the theory of economic fluctuations.
Business Forecasting
Discuss the composition of data necessary for economic forecasting and various theoretical models for economic forecasting, and systematize economic forecasting techniques by analyzing empirical models.
Money and BankingⅠ
Various theories and analysis techniques related to monetary and financial systems and financial policies are discussed.
Theory of Capital Market
The theory of the securities market of financial asset management and the various problems associated with capital internationalization are analyzed in an economic framework.
Economic Policy
This study is based on the latest research literature in the field of empirical public economics on how government policies such as tax, support for low-income families, and social insurance change the choices of economic actors such as individuals and companies and have consequences for the economy as a whole. It also includes learning analysis methodologies to identify the causal effects of policies such as double differences, instrumental variables, and regression breaks, and quantitative analysis of microdata with the STATA program.
Research in Economic Policy
The theories of the financial and financial policies of the classical, Keynesian, monetary, and rational expectation schools are studied, focusing on published papers. It also deals with how the optimal regulation theory using a quantitative model is applied to the establishment of optimal economic policy. A special topic deals with how the effects of financial policies in developing countries differ from those of advanced countries.
International TradeⅠ
Lecture on the main topics of international trade theory and discuss controversial issues such as the gap between theory and reality.
International FinanceⅠ
It analyzes various theories on the foreign exchange market, exchange rate determination theory, balance-of-payments adjustment theory, international monetary system, international financial market, and balance-of-payments adjustment policy.
Seminar in International Economics
Based on what we have learned from the theory of international trade and international finance, we deal with advanced and special theories and application problems in international economics.
Labor EconomicsⅠ
It theoretically analyzes the characteristics of labor demand and supply, the structure and function of the labor market, and studies the role of labor unions, the relationship between real wages and income distribution, labor-management relations, and labor policy. As an analysis method, a theoretical approach and an empirical approach are combined.
Economics of Labor Policy
We study the expansion and analysis techniques of theories to apply what we have learned in labor economics to labor reality, especially Korean reality.
Regional Economics
It deals with economic theory that sees the region as a unit of containment economy, that is, regional economic theory that combines the traditional economic theory with location theory that includes the concept of wide and agglomeration economy and related analysis techniques.
Urban Economics
It deals with economic theory and analysis techniques necessary to understand the nature of various problems arising from urban concentration of the population during industrialization, especially housing, transportation, and environmental pollution problems, and to find solutions.
Resource Economics
It deals with theories and analysis techniques on the efficient allocation of finite natural resources and the environment, that is, the determination and maintenance of the dynamic optimal use of depleted natural resources and the optimal level of environmental pollution.
Comparative Economic System
In order to solve the basic problem of the economic community, it is considering the development process of economic systems, especially capitalism and social economic systems, especially compared to the capital economy system.
History of Economic theory
The development process of economic theory is compared and analyzed focusing on the contents of the theory.
History of Economic Thought
It deals with the flow of economic thoughts historically and teaches in connection with socio-economic conditions of the time. Through the origin and historical development of each idea, it is connected with the current economic ideas.
Socialist Economics
It discusses the core logic of capitalism, the problems that arise when bonding it to the real world, and the changes in the socialist economic system that have been ongoing since modern times.
Analysis of Korea Economy
The economy is compared to an ‘organic’. Just as a fixed and unchanging organism cannot be assumed, on the logical basis that the capitalist economic system is in the inevitable process of change, the Korean economic theory aims to find out the specificity of the creation, development, and change process of school capitalism in comparison with the universal logic of capitalism. The main purpose of the study of Korean economic theory is logical synthesis based on individual studies of special and universal values.
Economic History
Based on the aspect of economic development, it is analyzed by focusing on the aspect of economic development of the modern world economy.
Economic Organization and Economic History
It presupposes that the task of economic history is to study how economic achievement and constraints such as population and economic organization (system) have changed historically, and is identified as the emergence of an efficient system as a factor that causes differences in economic achievement of each country. Thus, it identifies why such an efficient system emerged and how it affects economic achievement.
History of Oriental Economy
By examining the structural and institutional transition process of the Eastern economy historically, the theoretical foundation for analyzing the correlation of the modern Eastern economy, especially the economic dynamics of China, Japan, and Korea is systematized.
History of Korean Economy
Korean economic history, aimed at explaining the historical process of the Korean economy, should clarify the historical process of Korea in relation to the “law of historical development” as the universality of human history. In particular, in the study of the historical process of the Korean economy after the “modern”, Korean economic history should be explained in the history of implementing economic laws, as it has the character of extending the historical transformation of Europe, China, and Japan.
History of Western Economy
By analyzing the historical development process of the West since modern times with a focus on economic development, the theoretical foundation for understanding the flow of the modern world economy is systematized.
History of Industrial Revolution
The motives and reasons for the industrial revolution’s success are considered historically and the effects of the industrial revolution on modern European and global economies are analyzed.
Seminar in Economic History
Based on what we have learned from Eastern economic history, Western economic history, industrial revolution history, and economic history, we study the expansion of the theoretical model to analyze the modern world economy by determining the topic.
Financial Economics
It aims to develop an in-depth perspective on a wide range of areas such as financial markets, corporate finance, and personal asset management.
Climatic Economics
Climate economics analyzes the international community’s movements on various climate changes, including global warming, examines how to dominate the global market in the emerging low-carbon economy era, and systematically studies everything about global warming and climate change learned and felt in the international community.
Global Distribution
Understand global distribution trends and learn about the impact of global distribution on the globalization of distribution through examples of major countries. It also learns and discusses the distribution strategies of global distribution companies and changes in distribution policies of major countries around the world in the global market environment.
Economic Research Methodology
It is an applied social science that analyzes actual phenomena using analysis tools such as economic theory and statistical reasoning, and is essentially a subject that connects economic theory and actual measurement.
Seminar in Agricultural Economics
Understand and explain the political economy of opening the agricultural market and the transition of agricultural civilization on the premise of understanding the agricultural, rural, and agricultural issues and the reality of opening up the agricultural market.
Distribution Economics
Improve analysis and understanding of the distribution industry through the combination of economy and distribution.
Franchise Business
By understanding the basic concept and status of the franchise, learning the essential systems and standardization policies that the franchise headquarters should have, and further learning the franchise commercialization strategy and practice, the possibility of franchise business can be judged.
Behavioral Economics
It is a new field of study necessary for the study of economy, management phenomena, consumer theory, producer theory, distribution, marketing theory, agriculture, and resource economics that cannot be explained by modern economic theory.
Environmental Economics
After identifying the theoretical basis for environmental policy, the means and systems of the evolved environmental policy are examined by media. In particular, policies to respond to climate change, hazardous chemicals, etc., which have recently become an issue, will be explained in detail through examples.
Social Economics
Modern capitalist mainstream economics has limitations as a theory that overcomes phenomena such as the collapse of the financial capital system, expansion of polarization, environmental destruction, and human alienation due to market failure. Mainstream economic theory that assumes businessmen (Homo Economus) has limitations in that human economic behavior does not only pursue rationality and efficiency. Socioeconomic theory is another theoretical system to examine and overcome the problems of mainstream economics. Of course, the socioeconomic theory itself has not yet been elaborately established, but it is a field of study that studies the properties and accumulation of capital, the formation of social capital, basic theory of political economy, the convergence of economics and sociology, psychological factors of economic behavior, behavioral economy, welfare, happiness, and cooperation.
Advanced subject
As the second half of microeconomics I, it mainly deals with the latest theories such as information economics 3 and game theory.
Each theory on consumption, investment, and asset demand is dealt with in-depth and macroeconomic policy effects are comprehensively dealt with. Macroeconomics I deals with the world of certainty, but extends the analysis to the world of uncertainty.
It deals with various techniques of econometrics in depth and studies the expansion of theories and special techniques to analyze the real economy.
Money and BankingⅡ
It deals with various theories and analysis techniques related to money, financial systems, and financial policies, and analyzes the theory of financial asset management’s securities market and various problems associated with capital internationalization in an economic framework.
International TradeⅡ
It focuses on considering the main topics of international trade theory and discussing the recent changes in the international trade order and the grafting of theory and reality on each trade theory.
International FinanceⅡ
Based on what we learned in International Financial Theory I, we deal with the form of various international financial markets, special theories, and application problems.
Labor EconomicsⅡ
Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis results of Labor Economics I, major practical issues of labor issues are discussed and appropriate conclusions are drawn. ※ Microeconomics II and macroeconomics II are common mandatory subjects for doctoral courses.