2014. 5 University of Pennsylvania 경제학 박사
2007. 2 서울대학교 경제학사
2019. 9 ~ 현재 중앙대학교 경제학부 부교수
2018. 9 ~ 2019. 8 한국개발연구원 부연구위원
2014. 8 ~ 2018. 8 하와이주립대학교 경제학과 조교수
응용거시, 노동, 재정
Kim and Rhee (2022), “”Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Disability Insurance,” Review of Economic Dynamics, forthcoming
Karahan and Rhee (2019), “Geographic Reallocation and Unemployment During the Great Recession,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.100(C), pp. 47-69
Kim and Rhee (2018), “Measuring the Effects of Employment Protection Policies: Theory and Evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act,” Labour Economics, Vol. 54(C), pp. 116-134
재정학, 경제정책론, 동태경제학