미시간주립대학 경제학 박사
미시간주립대학 경제학 석사
연세대학교 경제학과 학사
2018~ 중앙대학교 경제학부 교수
2010~2018 중앙대학교 경제학부 부교수
2006~2010 중앙대학교 경제학부 조교수
2004~2006 한국경제연구원
• 이질적 위험회피도 하에서의 소비위험분산 가설 검정, 한국경제연구, 2015
• 한국 환변동보험의 동태적 결정요인에 대한 실증분석 (공저), 무역보험연구, 2015
• Nonlinear Causality between Exchange Rate and Trade: Empirical Evidence from Korea (공저), 무역연구, 2016
• The Effects of Export Insurance on Value-Added Export (공저), 무역보험연구, 2016
• The dynamic conditional relationship between stock market returns and implied volatility (공저), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017
• Real Wage Flexibility, Economic Fluctuations,and Exchange Rate Regimes (공저), Open Economies Review, 2017
• FDI Consequences of Downward Wage Cost Rigidities (공저), Singapore Economic Review, 2017
• 환변동보험 수요 결정요인의 동태적 시계열분석, 무역보험연구, 2017
• Impact of wage rigidity on sovereign credit rating (공저), Emerging Markets Review, 2018
• Labor market friction, nominal wage rigidities, and monetary policy in a small open economy (공저), International Review of Economics and Finance, 2018
• Aging effects on consumption risk-sharing channels in European countries (공저), Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u rijeci, 2018
• Diversification effect of ship investment funds in South Korea (공저), Journal of Korea Trade, 2019
• Wage rigidities and unemployment fluctuations in a small open economy (공저), Economic Modelling, 2020
• Nonlinear Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Economic Growth Convergence: the Case of 36 Asian Countries (공저), Review of Institution and Economics, 2020
(일부 대표 논문)