2013. University at Albany, SUNY 경제학박사
2003. 서울대학교 경제학석사
2001. 서울대학교 경제학사
2022. 3 ~ 현재 중앙대학교 경제학부 부교수
2018 ~ 2022. 2 중앙대학교 경제학부 조교수
2013 ~ 2018. 정보통신정책연구원 부연구위원 및 연구위원
Kyunam Kim & Hyuk Chung (2024). Impact of heterogenous capabilities on export performance amid the digital transformation, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 95, 101829.
Hyuk Chung & Kyunam Kim (2024). Service sector response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution: strategies for dissemination and acceptance of new knowledge, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 36, No.8, pp.1717-1732
Hyuk Chung (2023). Revisiting the R&D Cyclicality with Dynamic R&D model, International Telecommunications Policy Review (정보통신정책연구), Vol. 30, No.3 , pp.1-33
Hyuk Chung & Kyunam Kim (2023). Can open innovation improve technological outcomes for digital transformation?: Structural approach to strategic decisions of Korean ICT SMEs, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.44, No.8, pp.4404-4421.
Hyuk Chung (2022) Understanding firm-level intangible investment: a resource-based view on Korean firms, Applied Economics Letters, 29 (19), 1757-1764
Hyuk Chung (2021), Asset Composition and Firm Performance in Korea: Effects of Intangible Assets on Firm Growth and Valuation, Journal of Industrial Economics and Business (산업경제연구), Vol. 34, No.5, pp.1181-1205.
Hyuk Chung (2021), Adoption and Development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology: Features and Determinants, Sustainability, Vol. 13, 871.
Hyuk Chung (2020), Understanding Innovative Investment: Intangible Investment and R&D Expenditures of Korean Firms, International Telecommunications Policy Review (정보통신정책연구), Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 95-127.
정혁(2019), 한국 기업의 무형투자와 고용: ICT 기업과 비ICT 기업의 비교, 『정보통신정책연구』, 제26권 제4호, pp.107-133.
정혁(2018), 금융위기 이후 한국 ICT 제조업 고용의 변동요인, 『경제발전연구』, 제24권 제3호, pp. 69-98.
Hyuk Chung(2018), ICT investment-specific technological change and productivity growth in Korea: comparison of 1996-2003 and 2004-2015, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp.78-90.
Hyuk Chung(2017), R&D investment, cash holdings, and the financial crisis: Evidence from Korean corporate data , Applied Economics , Vol. 49, Issue 55, pp.5638-5650.
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정혁(2003), 신용과 기술변화, 그리고 경기변동, 『사회경제평론』 제20호, pp. 39-69.