1969. 서울대학교 상과대학 경제학과 졸업 (經濟學士)
1976-1977. State of University of New York, Albany 대학원 경제학과 修學
1977-1982. University of Minnesota 대학원 경제학과 졸업 (經濟學碩士 및 經濟學博)
1969-1970 한국은행 근무
1969-1972 육군 사병 근무
1972-1976 외환은행 근무
1983-현재 중앙대학 정경대학 경제학부 조교수, 부교수, 교수
1992-1994 한국금융학회 이사, 총무이사
1994-현재 한국경제발전학회 평의원
1995-1996 한국금융학회 부회장
1998-1999 한국경제학회 영문학술기관지 Korean Economic Review 편집위원장
1999-2009 Journal of Economic Development 편집인
1999-2000 한빛은행 사외이사
1999-2002 한국은행 [경제분석] 편집의원
2001 한국계량경제학회 회장
2005-2006 중앙대학교 정경대 학장
2009-2010 중앙대학교 부총장
2009 한국경제학회 수석부회장
2010 한국경제학회 회장
2011-현재 중앙대학교 총장
1994. 9-1995. 1 한겨레신문 시평 칼럼니스트
1999. 3-2000. 6 서울경제신문 송현칼럼 칼럼니스트
2000. 9-2001. 2 한국일보 ‘아침을 열며’ 칼럼니스트
2001. 3-2001. 8 국민일보 경제시평 칼럼니스트
2002. 3-2002. 9 한국일보 ‘ 아침을 열며 ‘ 칼럼니스트
2001. 3 -2001. 8 국민일보 경제시평 칼럼니스트
2002. 10-2004. 7 한국경제신문 다산칼럼 칼럼니스트
2007. 6-2007. 12 중앙일보 중앙시평 칼럼니스트
거시경제학, 경제성장론
거시경제학, 경제학원론, 경제학개론
– Inverse book
[Romer macroeconomics], (Joint translation), McGraw-Hill Korea, 2010.
[An economics guide](Third edition), Yulgol Publishing Company, 2009.
[The theory of contemporary economics](Joint work of the fifth edition, three persons), Park Young Sa, 2007.
[Modern macroeconomics](Fourth edition), Park Young Sa, 2005.
[Nobel Prize, its century history](Joint translation), Garam project, 2002.
[An open rate policy](Co-author), Korea Economic Research Institute, 1989.
[Advanced macroeconomic theory], Park Young Sa, 1989.
[Kuznets theory of economic growth](Joint translation), Korea Economic Daily, 1987.
– Article
“Real Estate Market and Macroeconomic Model”, Korean Economic Development Association, [Economic development study], Vol. 14, No. 1, 2008.6.
“Issues and Alternatives of the Korean Government’s National Competitiveness Policy”, Korean Economic Association, [An economic study], 2005.12.
“How to improve our national competitiveness”, Korean Economic Association, The 11th International Congress on Science and Technology, 2004.
“Credibel Judiciary and Welfare System”, Korean Economic Association, The Korean Economic Review, December 2003.
“Income Distribution of Urban Households in Korea : Trends and Policy Implications”, Korean Economic Association, Joint Conference on Economics-A full paper and summary-, 2003.
“An Analysis of Optimal Social Discount Rate in Korean Public Investment Projects – Focused on the Burgess Model”, Joint Conference on Economics-A full paper and summary-, 2003.
“Economics principles education, what will you do?”, Korean Economic Association, [Economic study], 2001. 12.
“Financial restructuring and public funds”, Korea Institute of Finance, [Financial Studies], 2000.8.
“Where DO We Invest : A cross-Country Comparism”, Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 25, No.1, June 2000.
“The Macroeconomic Model of Chung Kyung-eon’s Cohesion”, Korean Economic Development Association, [Economic Development Studies], 1999.6.
“Is the Korean Economy Dynamically Efficient?” (Co-author), Korean Economic Association, [Economic study], 1998.6.
“Income Distribution, Regionalism and Socio-Political Instabililty in Korea,” Minami, KIm, and Falkus (eds.), Growth, Distribution, and Political Chagne, Macmilian Press, 1999.
“Trend in and Determinants of Income Distribution in Korea”, Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 22, December 1997.
“An Analysis of Determinants of Small and Medium-Sized Income in Korea “(Co-author), Korean Econometrics and Economics Association, [Econometrics and Economics report], 1995.
“Criticism of New Year’s Plan and Alternative Plan”, Seoul Institute for Social Economics, [Search for new developments in the Korean economy], 1994.
“Mid-term Korean Economy and Policy Direction of Macroeconomic”, Korea University Economic Research Institute, [Evaluation and Prospect of Korean Economic Development], 1992.