2001. 미국 코넬대학교 경제학박사
1995. 서울대학교 경제학석사
1992. 서울대학교 경영학사
2013-현재 : 중앙대학교 경제학부 교수
2008-2013 : 중앙대학교 경제학과 부교수
2001-2008 : 싱가포르 국립대학교 경제학부 조교수
노동경제, 교육경제, 응용계량 경제학
– Articles in International Journals
1. “Do Private Tutoring Expenditures Raise Academic Performance? Evidence from Middle School Students in South Korea”, Asian Economic Journal, 27(1), pp.59-83, 2013, with Deockhyun Ryu.
2. “The Effect of Protection of Temporary Workers on Employment Levels: Evidence from the 2007 Reform of South Korea”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 65(3), pp.578-606, 2012, with Gyeongjoon Yoo
3. “Family Size and Educational Investments in Children: Evidence from Private Tutoring Expenditures in South Korea”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73(1), pp. 59-78, 2011.
4. “Performance of Various Estimators for Censored Response Models with Endogenous Regressors,” Pacic Economic Review, 15(4), pp. 447-463, 2010, with Myoung-Jae Lee
5. Book Review: Mark Bray’s Confronting the shadow education system: What government policies for what private tutoring? (2009, Paris: UNESCO Publishing), Education Economics, 18(3), pp. 373-375, 2010.
6. “Does Education Induce Healthy Lifestyle?” Journal of Health Economics 27(6), pp. 1516-1531, 2008, with Cheolsung Park
7. “Classroom Peer Eects and Academic Achievement: Quasi-Randomization Evidence from South Korea,” Journal of Urban Economics 61(3), pp. 458-495, 2007
8. “Academic Interactions among Classroom Peers: A Cross-Country Comparison Using TIMSS,” Applied Economics 39(12), pp. 1531-1544, 2007
9. “Effects of Ability Mixing in High School on Adulthood Earnings: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from South Korea,” Journal of Population Economics 20(2), pp. 269-297, 2007, with Cheolsung Park and Myoung-Jae Lee
10. “Regional Ties and Discrimination: Political Change, Economic Crisis, and Job Displacements in Korea, 1997-1999,” The Developing Economies 45(1), pp.63-96, 2007, with Seungjoo Lee
11. “Identication for dierence in dierences with cross-section and panel data,” Economics Letters 92(2), pp. 270-276, 2006, with Myoung-Jae Lee
– Articles in Korean Journals
1. “직업훈련의 임금효과 분석: ‘경제활동인구조사’를 중심으로”, 한국개발연구, 32(2), 2010 (유경준/강창희공저)
2. “대입수학능력시험 성적 자료를 이용한 학급내 동료효과의 분석”, 노동경제논집, 33(1), 2010 (강창희/채창균 공저)
3. “An international comparison of the effect of private education spending on student academic performance: Evidence from PISA, 2006”, 노동경제논집, 32(3), 2009
4. “고용보험의 사업주 직업능력개발 지원사업이 기업의 훈련투자결정에 미치는 영향”, 한국경제의 분석, 15(3), 2009 (강창희/유경준 공저)
5. “Educational implications of school systems at different stages of schooling”, Journal of Economic Development, 34(2), 2009
6. “노동시장제도 평가지표의 의미: 국제평가기관 지수들을 중심으로”, 비교경제연구, 16(2), 2009 (옥우석/강창희 공저)
(학부) 미시경제학, 노동경제학, 경제통계
(대학원) 노동경제학